PARFAITS areinnovative group a Die Design company. We are dedicated for design ofsheet metal stamping dies.
Company establishedin August 2017 with vision of suppling quality of design in realtime.
We are progressivelyadding people to make this a better place so serve customer.We areincreasing our reach to various clients worldwide.
We are specializedin consistency of quality and we are accepting new challenges tobring innovation in manufacturing techniques. Our vision is to bringart to engineering and to make smoother manufacturing with lessmachining hours and increased productivity.
We completelyunderstand that growth will always come with close association of ourclients and we are increasing our presence in respective areas.
Corporatestrategic priorities
As client base isdiversified with region and their requirements. We are looking tolink our business to growth of our clients and to become local orin-house suppliers with respective places to achieve targets. We are veryaggressively working to be global solution provider. We prefer todevelop the strategic alliance with customer to provide them ease ofcommunication at client site. We are working toadd more skills continuously to meet client targets. We areincreasing our scope to simulations research & development andmanufacturing.
MSEM Certified